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Building Sustainable Productivity and Renewal for the New Year
Does this story sound familiar? You come back from the holidays refreshed, ready to tackle your to-do list: calls, emails, decisions—pretty soon, it’s a blur again. By the time you get home… whew! You might not even remember the last time you ate. This cycle can feel all too familiar for those of us in…

Establishing Key Performance Indicators
Just like Key Results Areas (KRAs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential for helping employees understand their performance in alignment with your expectations. However, where KRAs focus on individual responsibilities, KPIs provide quantifiable insights into your studio’s overall success. They serve as measurable benchmarks that highlight achievements or uncover areas needing improvement. By clearly identifying…

Win at Email Newsletters
If you find yourself facepalming every time a client says, “I saw the newsletter but didn’t read it,” you are not alone! We’ve all been there. Email inboxes are noisier than ever, and your studio’s newsletter may be getting tuned out. It can be a challenge for busy parents to wade through all the messages…

Increase Retention of Tweens & Teens
Have you ever struggled with retaining your middle school and high school dancers? It is a common challenge for many studio leaders, as these students are faced with more challenging homework, a variety of school activities, and the magnetic pull of social commitments. But dance, as we all know, can be the one consistent thing…

Attract your Ideal Client
Getting new people in the door can be as simple as following an advertising formula or generating leads from a community event—but what about attracting the right clients? It starts with identifying buyer personas. A buyer persona is a fictional description of your ideal client. It is a well-researched, thoughtful representation of the personality type (or…

4 Ways to Level up Your Team
Your employees are an invaluable resource to your business. They are arguably your biggest and best investment in order for your studio to achieve its mission! But sometimes it’s a challenge to keep your staff engaged. They may seem disconnected or burned out, especially after these past two years. So how can you lift them…

Starting a New Program
Have you reached the point where you are ready to try out a new program idea, such as an additional performing group for young dancers or a daytime pre-professional track for teens? Or maybe you want to see if a class for special needs dancers will take off, or if an adult beginner series would…

Solution-Oriented Cross-Training & Hiring
How many times have you found yourself in a pinch with staffing? If the answer is “Too many!” then it’s time to create solutions at your studio by cross-training your team members or hiring new ones for very specific roles. It’s never convenient to be stuck in an unexpected situation or faced with making a…

Problem-Solve Using Client Feedback
No one in business likes receiving complaints, so what if you could prevent them from happening in the first place? With an open mind and a commitment to great service, you can stop many complaints in their tracks by soliciting client feedback. Understanding pain points allows you to implement solutions before issues have a chance…

How’s Your Productivity?
Your success often parallels your productivity—but not all productivity is created equal! Sometimes what feels “productive” is really just “busy.” True productivity is rooted in spending focused time in your zone of genius, otherwise known as your sweet spot. For some studio owners, this is choreography and classroom work. For others it is creating new…

4 Ways to Level up Your Team
Your employees are an invaluable resource to your business. They are arguably your biggest and best investment in order for your studio to achieve its mission! But sometimes it’s a challenge to keep your staff engaged. They may seem disconnected or burned out, especially after these past two years. So how can you lift them…

Conduct a Culture Audit
Your studio’s culture is built from your values; it’s the way your mission and vision influence the atmosphere around your staff and students. Over time though, you may notice that the studio culture has shifted. It makes you wonder, “How did that happen? What can I do to fix it?” The answer is to conduct…

Reconstruct Your Studio Time
As the business owner, you naturally get pulled in many directions when you are at the studio. Trying to get proactive work done in a reactive environment can feel impossible. Sometimes it can feel like the hours of day disappear right before your eyes! Is it possible to take control of your time and still feel productive…

Listen to Lead
Being a studio owner requires many skills—vision-casting, discernment, financial know-how, relationship-building, risk management—the list goes on. But one skill stands out to me as an underestimated asset: Listening. I believe that true, deliberate, active listening is often overlooked as a business advantage. I’ll admit there were times in my early days as a studio owner…

Joy in All Circumstances
A friend of mine once shared, “Peace of mind is a discipline.” I felt that sentence deep in my soul because yes, it can be easy to forget that peace of mind comes not solely from outward influences, but from an inner commitment. It is a daily practice of choices (and gratitude) that drives a…

The Impact of Mentorship
Mentorship has been one of the most powerful experiences of my personal and professional life. I’ve written before about the many mentors in my life, like Deak Swanson, a local business leader, who made it possible for me to open the doors to Misty’s Dance Unlimited nearly 26 years ago, and Dave Liniger, of RE/MAX,…

Are You on the Right Path?
One time I was out biking with my son, and we were NOT having an easy time. The trail we were following seemed, well, not well-kept or otherwise clear to follow. We were getting tangled in branches and weeds, bumping along as best we could, but it seemed inevitable that we could get lost or…

What Don’t You Know?
OK, so here’s a funny story: I had been driving the same car for five years. That’s five years’ worth of frigid—mostly downright arctic Wisconsin winters by the time I figured out that this car has a HEATED STEERING WHEEL. What!? While my fingers cannot get those five years back, I am now officially basking…

Dance is for everybody and every BODY
This season of gratitude always makes me reflect on how thankful I am to get to live a life full of dance. Dance is something I feel so blessed to have in my daily world, whether I’m at my own studio with our families, coaching fellow studio owners, keynote speaking at business events, or teaching…

Let’s Hear it for the Teachers
During a recent interview, I was asked who my dance heroes are. It took me just a second to think about it because although there are many famous dancers I admire, I realized that my answer was actually much closer to home: Teachers. Teachers are my dance heroes. They are the ones who make the…

Driving in the Red Zone
I was talking with a group of studio owners recently and the subject of “drive” came up, as in: “Is it OK to work all the time, to constantly drive your business? Where do you draw the line at too much work?” This made me really stop and think. First of all, because I LOVE…

Running with the Pack
You might remember that over the past year, I decided to take up RUNNING. As in, purposeful fitness-driven running—not just running to meetings or events, or to pick up my kids! So a couple months ago, as the frozen ground began to thaw out, I signed up to do a 3K with my daughter, Isabella,…

Recharged & Ready
Let me preface this post by saying how much I like to work. In fact, most of the time I love to work. Being productive, transforming lives, having a positive impact on this amazing industry that is near and dear to me: these are things that make my heart sing! But … as I grow…

Doing Life with MTJGD™
It’s hard for me to believe it, but More Than Just Great Dancing® is coming up on its 12th anniversary! We brought on our first group of charter members in 2011 after a year of deep planning to establish the roots of the organization and fine-tune its mission to help studio owners succeed in business…

Love, Loss, and Laughter
This is my first Christmas without my dad. All around the world keeps turning, and we keep turning with it … and yet I still have these moments where I stop and think, “How does life keep going even after such a loss?” I have learned that the answer lies in love. And in memories…

The Collaboration Effect
Each July at More Than Just Great Dancing® we host a live event for our community called Member Rally. It is two full days of learning and personal growth: we cover everything from leadership expertise to creative customer service solutions to culture-building camaraderie. In short, our members truly “rally” together—for themselves and for their studios—before…

An Exponential Lift
There is an African proverb that says “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” This couldn’t be more true in the business world, where teamwork and collaboration give us the strength to continually stretch ourselves with new ideas, adaptations, solutions, and innovations. Coaching and mentorship, too,…

Common Denominator – Youth Sports & Dance
You always hear me say, “Dance makes great kids.” And it’s true! But as I have learned from my sons, youth sports make great kids too. It’s not that I didn’t know this before, it’s just that these days it is more and more clear to me how essential kids’ activities are. They all have…

The Vision Sisters
A couple of years ago, as the pandemic settled into all our lives, I opened an uplifting email in my (very full!) inbox. It was from my friend Terri Mangiaratti, fellow studio owner, who was reaching out to other women leaders in dance to form a powerhouse collaboration group. Terri’s idea was to create an…

Redefining Accountability
Until recently, I thought of “accountability” as a process defined like this: Assigning responsibility for a task, project, or problem Making sure people follow through on milestones and goals Teaching people how to own up to a mistake or a missed goal These are pretty traditional definitions, and they’re not wrong. But as a leader,…

Cognitive Flexibility
You’ve heard me talk before about how at any given moment, two opposite things can be true. In this fall season, it is clearer to me than ever that this is not only a common feeling, it is also a skill. In fact, it is a skill that can be intentionally developed. It’s called cognitive…

Weekly Training Solutions
At this point, you’ve probably heard me shouting from the rooftops about our newly launched professional development hub, Studio Training Solutions™. After more than two years in the making, it is BEYOND exciting to see this resource come to life! I’m so proud of how our team has curated the STS™ content, from free downloads,…

Developing Your Flexibility
As small business owners, we often feel like flexibility is just a footnote in the story of our lives. We allow our career responsibilities to dictate the calendar, prioritizing and accommodating everyone within our studios … but not ourselves. Well, I’m here today to remind you to pump the brakes on this mindset! It may…

Lessons from Dad
This post is a bit different from the ones before it—partly because it is more personal, and partly because today I am forever changed. Just a few weeks ago, I unexpectedly lost my dad. He was Paul Averill, a father, husband, grandpa, uncle, and son. He was also a loved friend to others, an honorable…

It’s Studio Training Solutions™ Launch Day!
IT’S TIME! Today, Tuesday, July 19th, is the launch day for Studio Training Solutions™! This is a day that’s been YEARS in the making! Studio Training Solutions™ is the culmination of a dream come true—a dream I had to build a hub of resources and connections to link arms and strengthen the dance industry. No…

The High Ground
As I’ve been back to school working towards my PhD, there are moments in my studies that cause me to stop in my tracks. These mind-blowing “whoa” moments happen when a concept really hits home. I’ll be reading a scientific study, theory, or case study and suddenly I’ll recognize myself (or my businesses or my…

Count Your Blessings
Preparing for a new dance season always carries a bit of magic. After the recital dust (I mean, glitter!) settles, you find yourself jumping at all the possibilities that await a new school year. It doesn’t take long for things to get busy all over again: you start gearing up for fall enrollment, summer camps,…

Gratitude for the Industry
This past dance season has been a gift to all studio owners—one unlike any other. With its incredible highs (and even with its challenges) this year has really shown us what we’re made of. Each year since 2020, I’ve seen remarkable changes in the dance world. Changes that I think were meant to happen so…

Think You Can’t? You Can!
I’m not sure when I got the idea that I wouldn’t be good at it … “it” being Quantitative Analysis, also known as statistics. This was a class I had to take last semester for my Ph.D. program. A class that, when I thought about having to take it, gave me a pit in my…

What’s Your Super Secret Skill?
Back in high school, I took almost every art class offered. Drawing, painting, sculpture—if it fit my schedule, I had to take it. Art became a hobby of mine and, it turned out, I actually had a knack for it. The piece pictured here is one that hangs in my house today; I think I…

Show Your Confidence
I’ve noticed that when I’m coaching other studio owners, I’m often reminding them that confidence comes from all the pieces of their life. I’ll tell them, “Don’t forget… you always have permission to feel confident. You have permission to be proud of the things you accomplish in life, in and out of the studio.” It’s…

Change Capacity
“It is not the strongest of the species that will survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” I’m convinced that this quote from Charles Darwin could have been written about business. Survival is about innovation and pivots and leadership. And surviving leads to thriving! We know that businesses have had…

Carrying on Strong
As the U.S. approaches its two-year anniversary of the pandemic, in the face of much loss there is still much to be grateful for—especially the knowledge and tools we’ve gained for navigating this new season of life. Life isn’t the same of course, but we are beginning to see more touches of normalcy as the…

Building a Legacy
Whether you’ve been in business for one year or for decades, you are in the process of building a legacy—leaving the mark of your mission. This may be part of the reason you became an entrepreneur, because your impact would be that much greater, compounded exponentially by your studio. But legacies aren’t just made from…

Effortful Learning
As an avid reader, I often come across quotes that speak to my passion for leadership (and yes, I LOVE a good personal development book!). Recently a friend shared a passage from Brené Brown’s new book Atlas of the Heart, where she defines and discusses human emotions. In one section she writes about “epistemic emotion—an…

The 12/31 Scorecard
At the beginning of the year, I set a goal to take four trips just for fun. No work. And…. I did it! I traveled to Florida in the spring, drove Route 66 in the summer, visited my mentor’s Colorado ranch in the summer, and visited a different part of Florida earlier this month. For…

Strengthening Student Evaluations
At my studio, we’re trying something new this year when it comes to communications with parents: personalized progress reports for every student. Yes, that means HUNDREDS of families will receive a customized evaluation through a new system we’ve adopted. It’s called VAL™. And it has the potential to change everything about how we see the…

Be Empowered with INSight™
When I was a young dancer, I LOVED getting my hands on a new magazine. You can probably imagine that I loved Dance Magazine, but in high school I also had a subscription to Car and Driver! I can distinctly remember how my heart would skip a beat when the newest issue was finally available.…

What We Have in Common
Like many of you, I heard the news about Afghanistan and immediately began wondering how I could help the refugees fleeing their home country. What must they be feeling? What were their top needs? I couldn’t help but think how overwhelming it must be to start over in a completely new place, especially for women…

Safety is the Foundation
In psychology, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is well-known and respected for its theory of how humans are motivated. Maslow puts needs such as air, water, food, shelter, and sleep at the foundation of the hierarchy. A no-brainer, really! And I bet it won’t surprise you that the next foundational step is SAFETY. Once those first…

Doing Good in the Dance World
One of my FAVORITE things about partnering with industry vendors is learning about the ways they serve others—beyond the obvious. Revolution Dancewear, for example, recently became a Legacy Partner with us here at More Than Just Great Dancing!® and I’ve been thrilled to learn about how they are doing good in the dance world. One…

Mental Health is Health
Remember during the Tokyo Olympics, when there was a pretty big firestorm surrounding athletes’ mental health? Gymnast Simone Biles decided to step back from the team competition and it quickly became a buzzy talking point. That a world-renowned gymnast on the grandest stage there is would say, out loud, that she was prioritizing her mental…

Giving Back To The Community
I’ve said it before and I’ll proudly say it again: The dance industry TRULY has a special kind of ecosystem. Where else do you see so much support among suppliers or business owners sharing ideas at conferences or studios offering unique services in the community, even during the roller coaster of a global pandemic? When…

Off the Grind
Yes, you read that right: Off. The. Grind! Back in July I took some intentional time OFF from the hustle and grind of daily life. It was a bucket list trip: I drove Route 66 with my youngest son, Benji—and we had the time of our lives! You see, when I was little, my dad…

Preparing to Launch
The dance studio industry is in a unique position these days, poised to take advantage of a huge resurgence that’s expected in service businesses, in particular youth activities and the arts. But I think we will only be able to maximize that benefit if we work together—AND make thoughtful steps forward for our studios. Let…

This Work Matters
If you could name the most vital public health need facing our population, what would it be? Perhaps your answer would be preventing COVID-19, although in the U.S. the pandemic outlook is improving as the number of infections declines dramatically. The novel coronavirus remains a serious concern, yet its status as an emergency-level issue is…

A Legacy in Dance
Fellow business owners and friends, like many of you I recently received the news that a longtime pillar in our dance community closed its doors. At Misty’s Dance Unlimited, we had the privilege of doing business with Curtain Call for more than two decades—nearly half of its existence—and I was saddened to hear that it…

Investing in Your People
One of the most common challenges I hear from studio owners these days is about developing their employees. They wonder what steps they should take to raise up strong leaders, perhaps even to create a full leadership team. In their small businesses, these studio owners want to hire and nurture great talent and also get…

Paying it Forward, Part Two
It was about 24 years ago that a man named Deak Swanson handed me the keys to my first business lease. (I wrote about that journey and my gratitude for Deak here in this previous post about paying it forward!) That gesture had a tremendous impact on me and I always promised him I would…

Pursuing a Pastime
The Oxford Dictionary defines “pastime” as “an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby.” I think for most of us, it’s safe to say that our pastime once was dancing! We showed up to classes each week, eager and excited, feeling the pure joy that dance brought into our lives.…

More INSight™ Coming Your Way!
You may have noticed that in the past year we have ramped up production of our publication, INSight™ Magazine including The Recovery Edition (summer 2020) and Start Strong (winter 2020-21). I thought it might be fun to answer a few frequently asked questions here about INSight™ as we gear up yet again for a new…

It’s Always for the Kids
Back in February, I trained 500 studio owners, managers, and industry vendors at Studio Owner University®, an event we made virtual this year for safety. The virtual platform turned out to be even BETTER than I could have imagined. I swear you could feel the buzzing of the energy through the computer … or maybe…

The Human Spirit
In dance, the physical limitations we’re faced with these days are pretty incredible: Dancing in socially-distant groups, sometimes inside literal boxes taped on the floor; dancing with face coverings and only the eyes to connect with; dancing without partnering or other close contact. Suffice it to say, we’re on a new level of what “limitation”…

Susan Epstein’s Silver Lining
I’ve written before about my friend, dance industry leader Susan Epstein, and I’ve also written about the silver linings of today’s world. Today, I wanted to share with you a silver lining she recently shared with me… As you may remember, Susan is the Producing Director of Group Study at Gibney in New York City.…

Taking Care of Business
Self-care, understandably, has reached an outsize importance in a small business owner’s life. The past year demanded a LOT from us, and somewhere along the way we had to be called to action… for ourselves! We had to remember to stop and breathe and treat ourselves well, so that we could give and serve from…

What Are You Building Up?
You might remember that several months ago, I had a major surgery. Over the course of my recovery, with healing and the help of physical therapy, I went from a wheelchair to a recliner to a walker to walking … and FINALLY to actually teaching a dance class (I subbed for my daughter one night…

Power in Numbers
A few months ago, we conducted a survey of More Than Just Great Dancing!® affiliated studios regarding our Safer Studio™ guidelines. When they results came in, I was FLOORED … in a really good way. The statistics collected from this survey were uplifting to say the least! The numbers showed us that not only have…

Start Dreaming Again
Tell me if this story rings true: You wake up in the morning, ready to go, and charge ahead with your workday. You plow through phone calls, emails, and hard decisions and complicated leadership issues. And when you get home, you’re wiped out—possibly even a little snippy to your family. Your energy has been used…

It’s a Really Good Thing
There’s this game I invented called “It’s a Really Good Thing”. (OK, I call it a “game” but really it’s an exercise in focus and discipline and reflection and appreciation.) Here’s what I mean: I’ll say to myself, “It’s a really good thing THIS happened, because now we can do THAT.” For example, IT WAS…

Gratitude for… Gratitude!
Last month, I walked into my office one day and saw a cream-colored mystery envelope with a gold ribbon on it. It was set apart in the middle of my otherwise jam-packed desk. Curious, I opened it, and inside was a handwritten letter of gratitude from a dancer who graduated from my studio in 2013.…

The Silver Lining of the Unknown
I think we can all agree that this year has had more unknowns and unpredictability than probably any other year we’ll experience in our lifetime! The virus that brought businesses and schools to a halt in March continues to cause ripples worldwide, leaving us wondering what’s next, with no guidebook or map—just our own resourcefulness,…

Dance Means More Than Ever
I’ve always said I believed in the transformative power of dance. It’s the concept my studio was built on over these past two-decades-plus. Dance has, for as long as I can remember, held this central place in my heart, my mind, and my work. Like many studio owners I know, my life was influenced by…

Why You Should Go For It
Earlier this year I set a goal for myself to run a 10K. For those of you who are unfamiliar with races like this, that’s around six miles or so … and a HUGE deal to me. You might remember that I took up running about two years ago. I’m not the fastest runner (nor…

Smiling, Unmasked
Last month I posted on social media to celebrate the launch of our new tech-enabled studios which can live-stream classes. It was a significant investment for our small business and so I was particularly appreciative of all the effort that went into it. We hired a company out of Chicago that specializes technology to come…

Kicking Off Season 23
Season 23 at MDU … I could have NEVER imagined what this year would look like! Now that we’ve gotten started with classes, I’ve had some time to reflect over the many changes we’ve implemented and what the future might hold. Looking around the studio and seeing our staff and students back in action, I…

Leading the Way with YPAD
I’ve shared before how proud to be at the helm of Youth Protection Advocates in Dance®, the organization founded by Leslie Scott Zanovitch. With a mission of educating dance professionals about keeping kids healthy and safe in dance, this cause is close to my heart! As the current leader of YPAD and a champion of…

More Than Just a Membership
When I began More Than Just Great Dancing!® almost 10 years ago, I knew that I wanted the community to be special—a group of like-minded studio owners who had the desire to be strong business leaders; who wanted to balance life and work and not be apologetic about making a living from their passion. Women…

Rallying Resilience
At the end of July, we held our annual Member Rally event for More Than Just Great Dancing!® … all virtual. It was like nothing I’d ever produced! Amazing doesn’t feel like a strong enough word. Pre-pandemic, we were supposed to hold the event in Nashville. But by April this year, I knew that even…

What if There’s a Third Option?
The past two weeks, I’ve been on more calls with our county and schools than I ever have before. With thousands of students who are served by our local schools, the challenges in this continuously changing situation are daunting, to say the least! But I’ve never seen a more earnest and professional effort at collaboration…

Today is my BIRTHDAY!
It’s on my favorite days of the year…not because it’s about me but because it’s a day I consistently give myself permission to really slow down, think about life, who I’m becoming, how I want to show up in this world and what I want to contribute. Last year I spent the day giving free…

A Chance to Dance
When I was in middle school, my Grandma Marilyn helped my family by paying for my extra dance lessons. In high school, my dance teacher and some school teachers pitched in with special opportunities. And my college career was funded primarily by scholarships … and teaching dance. 🙂 I think it’s fair to say that…

Remembering to Have Fun
All right, fellow business owners, maybe you can relate to this … Last week I had to REMEMBER to have fun. Yes, I actually had to tell myself, Hey, it’s OK to stop working for a hot mint and just hang out with the family🙂 It was my son Max’s birthday and we wanted to…

Perspectives in Dance
A couple weeks ago I posted a message on Facebook that I had to restart several times before I could come up with the words I wanted to say. I’m still not sure I got it right…or that there is a right way to process. The post was a reflection on race … a response…

Recital Reimagined
Back in mid-March I sat with my head in my hands. We were in the middle of a “three week” school closure and I was watching dance competitions state by state “call it” as counties and cities around the countries lowered their assembly size limits. At Misty’s Dance Unlimited, we had already transitioned our classes…

To Overcome
When we had to shift plans for this year’s More Than Just Great Dancing® Member Rally to become an all-digital event, I knew that our keynote speaker would have to be someone who could be the ultimate inspiration. We needed someone who could tell a story of hope and survival, someone who could remind us…

Good for the Soul
If there is anything new I’ve learned this past week or so, it’s how much appreciation I have for PEOPLE. Whether it’s online, seeing our students shine in their Virtual Recital Experience, or it’s in person, seeing their smiling faces waving from a distance during our MDU Car Parade, it’s the PEOPLE who make all…

Choosing to Thrive, Not Just Survive
It was twenty-three years ago that I put an ad in the classified section of the La Crosse Tribune announcing I was opening my studio, Misty Averill’s Dance Unlimited (yes, that’s actually what it’s called :). There were no websites, cell phones, Google, email, or text marketing campaigns. It was just a two-inch classified ad…

It Can Be Both
If there’s anything new I’ve learned this past week it is this: There is a paradox in our experiences right now; a duality of the difficult and the beautiful. I’m learning that we can be both sad and grateful at the same time. We can be both disappointed and hopeful, worried and confident. Whatever the…

The Power of Words
Last week when I walked into my office to work, I felt a little down. Here I was again. Alone. It’s the way it needs to be but it didn’t tug at my heart any less. I know many of you know the feeling. Standing silent by the coffee pot, I noticed that even the…

Being Scrappy
One of my mentors, Dave Liniger, spoke to our More Than Just Great Dancing® members this week, and of all the wisdom he shared, this piece hit me hard. I mean like a kick in the pants and a kickstart to the heart: He said to us, “Your resilience is being tested right now. You…

What’s in Your Control?
I have had moments during these past three weeks where I thought I could literally FEEL the worry crowding into my thoughts. One look at a press conference (or at the school closures) and it would feel like my brain was slowing down and my heart was being squeezed by stress. I imagine you’ve probably…

The Quarter Mile
You might remember that last spring I took up running, and since then, I’ve run a handful of 5k races. These days, my favorite type of run to go on is the one that’s just two miles—for me, it’s just enough to clear my mind… and get me back in time to tackle crisis emails…

Light & Dark
There’s a forested area not far from my home, a former park, where I often take refuge when I need some quiet space to walk the dogs and calm my mind. It’s a place I can walk through at any time, even at weird hours, and keep my social distance while still getting some exercise.…

The Definition of Faith
Friends and fellow studio owners, I wanted to share with you a revelation I had earlier this week about faith during hard times. No matter where you fall on the spirituality spectrum, I think we can all agree that right now is a time that requires FAITH. The definition of faith is this: “Being sure…

Honesty in Leadership
I recently attended a servant leadership seminar led by Jim Hunter, author of The Servant. It was an event funded by my mentor Dave Skogen, and offered free to the community—an opportunity I could not pass up, especially because Dave extended the invite! I think there were around 800 people at Viterbo University for the…

Inspired Artist: Susan Epstein
With a knack for making connections and a talent for business, my longtime friend Susan Epstein is making BIG things happen in the dance industry. For as long as I’ve known her, Susan has had a vision for the dance community that never fails to inspire me to want to do MORE! Let me explain.…

Love, Faith and Community
To say the past month has been busy would be a major understatement. From the usual beginning-of-the-year meetings and goal-setting to fine-tuning the preparations for our tenth Studio Owner University® (which just wrapped up), I’ve been shoulder-to-shoulder with my team working like crazy to make sure we’re serving our people with the highest-quality content. But…

2020 Vision Scholarships for Dance Educators
2020! Not just a new YEAR, a new DECADE! As most of you know I’ve dedicated my entire career to dance, first as a dance teacher, then as a dance studio owner, and now as a teacher to teachers and owners. 🙂 My journey in this industry hasn’t always been easy, but one thing has…

More Than a Dance Studio
For eight years, I stared out the windows of my previous studio space at an empty piece of land across the street. I saw something there. Like I could actually see it in my mind’s eye. Sometimes, I would walk around that land and pray about what I saw. I would draw it. I would…

Balancing the Work of Rest
A few weeks ago, Mitch and I took a trip to Italy to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary—it was AMAZING. During that time, the folks on my team were absolute rockstars. I was actually able to disconnect completely from work during that time, which is REALLY saying something! Taking that week off reminded me of…