Be Inspired

Back-to-School Means Back-to-Business

May 16, 2014

That’s right, it’s time! Back-to-School means Back-to-Business for dance studio owners around the world. Fall is a time get organized, get motivated and to start with a fresh slate. It’s a time to look back at the past season and MAXIMIZE what went right and FIX what went wrong.

I have a challenge for you today.  Take 15 minutes and do the following. 

1)  Identify your biggest win from last year and make an action plan to maximize it this year.  Maybe it was a class that sold out with a waiting list.  If so, offer two, or even three of those classes.  Get testimonials from those loved it last year and promote to your current clients and on your studio FB.  Have pictures or video?  Even better!  Or, maybe you were finally able to take some time off from the studio.  Way to go!  Now go schedule a week off mid-season, or even two.  Challenge and equipe your team to survive with out you:)

2)  This one is tougher.  Identify you biggest roadblock or mess up from last year and make a plan to fix it.  Maybe you blew it with a parent or staff member.  Apologize and ask for a fresh beginning.  Maybe your family got the scraps while the studio got the good part of you.  Sit down with your calendar and prioritize your family.  Or maybe your finances are in mess.  Sit down with a pen and paper and face the music on that one.  You are the bottom line…it begins and ends with your commitment to financial responsibility.

Now, you don’t have to do everything on your list, but you do have to do something!

Today is the day to set the course for your new season…get on your way!

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