Can a DANCE STUDIO be ranked with TOMS Shoes and Whole Foods?
Today is a proud moment for
a small town dance studio owner.
My dance studio has received one of 15 “The Most Amazing Company” designations and a spot in the new business book “Engage!” See the picture attached for the other companies that made the list!
But, here is the very best part: When I started my studio I had a vision to not only make a great living, but also to make a great impact on kids and community. There were plenty of people told me it wasn’t possible–“You’re not a strong enough dancer”, “You have no real business experience”, “You are too young”, “If you want to ‘give’ work at a non-profit”. And, my favorite “A dance studio is not a real job.”
So I stopped looking for models within the dance studio industry and started looking for other just plain great models of business….folks like Tony Hseih of Zappos! and Blake Mycoskie of TOMS Shoes. I read their stories, followed their progress and put all my energy into making my dance studio a world class operation. And, now to be the only small business included on a list with these role models takes my breathe away and makes me give GREAT THANKS to God for this journey!
Our vetting process included a review of our work and interview/surveys of our leadership team, teachers, clients and community partners. Here is the criteria:
What Is A Most Amazing Company?
The Most Amazing Companies are companies that are rising above the rest, leading the way into a new business mindset.
They have higher quality service and dedication to a higher Purpose.
Their employees are fully engaged and highly Productive.
Their employees are Passionate about their jobs.
They are Profitable, with a powerful message and actions.
The People — customers & Employees — love their services/products so much they are Raving Fans.
Their focus is not solely on profits, but also on Positive impact.
This is the More Than Just Great Dancing™ way of doing business… pursuing what’s best for people, profits and positive programs!
Are you ready to join the MOVEMENT?